Tuesday, April 7, 2009

100 Years of Quantum Mysteries

“In a few years, all the great physical constants will have been approximately estimated, and . . . the only occupation which will then be left to the men of science will be to carry these measurements to another place of decimals.” As we enter the 21st century amid much brouhaha about past achievements, this sentiment may sound familiar. Yet the quote is from James Clerk Maxwell and dates from his 1871 University of Cambridge inaugural lecture expressing the mood prevalent at the time (albeit a mood he disagreed with). Three decades later, on December 14, 1900, Max Planck announced his formula for the blackbody spectrum, the first shot of the quantum revolution.
This article reviews the first 100 years of quantum mechanics, with particular focus on its mysterious side, culminating in the ongoing debate about its consequences for issues ranging from quantum computation to consciousness, parallel universes and the very nature of physical reality. We virtually ignore the astonishing range of scientific and practical applications that quantum mechanics undergirds: today an estimated 30 percent of the U.S. gross national product is based on inventions made possible by quantum mechanics, from semiconductors in computer chips to lasers in compact-disc players, magnetic resonance imaging in hospitals, and much more.
In 1871 scientists had good reason for their optimism. Classical mechanics and electrodynamics had powered the industrial revolution, and it appeared as though their basic equations could describe essentially all physical systems. But a few annoying details tarnished this picture. For example, the calculated spectrum of light emitted by a glowing hot object did not come out right. In fact, the classical prediction was called the ultraviolet catastrophe, according to which intense ultraviolet radiation and x-rays should blind you when you look at the heating element on a stove.
The Hydrogen Disaster
In his 1900 paper Planck succeeded in deriving the correct spectrum. His derivation, however, involved an assumption so bizarre that he distanced himself from it for many years afterward: that energy was emitted only in certain finite chunks, or “quanta.” Yet this strange assumption proved extremely successful. In 1905 Albert Einstein took the idea one step further. By assuming that radiation could transport energy only in such lumps, or “photons,” he explained the photoelectric effect, which is related to the processes used in present-day solar cells and the image sensors used in digital cameras.
Physics faced another great embarrassment in 1911. Ernest Rutherford had convincingly argued that atoms consist of electrons orbiting a positively charged nucleus, much like a miniature solar system. Electromagnetic theory, though, predicted that orbiting electrons would continuously radiate away their energy and spiral into the nucleus in about a trillionth of a second. Of course, hydrogen atoms were known to be eminently stable. Indeed, this discrepancy was the worst quantitative failure in the history of physics—underpredicting the lifetime of hydrogen by some 40 orders of magnitude.
In 1913 Niels Bohr, who had come to the University of Manchester in England to work with Rutherford, provided an explanation that again used quanta. He postulated that the electrons’ angular momentum came only in specific amounts, which would confine them to a discrete set of orbits. The electrons could radiate energy only by jumping from one such orbit to a lower one and sending off an individual photon. Because an electron in the innermost orbit had no orbits with less energy to jump to, it formed a stable atom.
Bohr’s theory also explained many of hydrogen’s spectral lines—the specific frequencies of light emitted by excited atoms. It worked for the helium atom as well, but only if the atom was deprived of one of its two electrons. Back in Copenhagen, Bohr got a letter from Rutherford telling him he had to publish his results. Bohr wrote back that nobody would believe him unless he explained the spectra of all the elements. Rutherford replied: Bohr, you explain hydrogen and you explain helium, and everyone will believe all the rest.